Are you aspiring for an ISB admission?
It is not only one of the best business schools in India, but also well-reputed across the world.
Hence, the admission process to get a seat in such an esteemed college would need you to put your best foot forward. This would involve crucial steps of the process, such as application and essays.
Getting ISB essays and applications review by professionals gives you a competitive edge. It helps you enhance your content, highlight the best parts, and deduct insignificant parts. Apart from professional advice, candidates often seek advice online.
With internet inundated with information about do’s and don’ts, whom should you turn to for reliable advice? How about someone who has been in your position and went through the admission process successfully. A review by an ISB alumnus can make a world of difference to your application process.
Here are a few benefits of getting an application and essay review by an ISB alumnus:
- One of the most significant advantages of an ISB alumnus reviewing your application is that he/she was exactly in your place once. You can leverage their experience of the process to gain valuable insights. Their feedback can be a great asset to elevate the quality of your application and essays
- Apart from being the alumni of ISB, these reviewers are also professionals working in managerial or senior positions in industries across the spectrum. Hence, they would be able to efficiently gauge the career goals and objectives you have presented in the essays and other parts of the application. As the purpose of joining is one of the vital aspects on which your application would be evaluated, an ISB-graduate working as a professional can help you streamline your essays to reflect such goals
- An alumnus would know the in and out of the student experience of the business school. Hence, he/she also understands what qualities help you optimize that experience and the attributes the admissions officers would be looking for in you. They will help you bring out those qualities in your essays in a noticeable way
- Most students get their essays reviewed by language experts to make sure there are no grammatical or spelling errors and to enhance the use of vocabulary in their application and essays. Granted, English experts would be able to elevate the language of your essays, but they might lag in the messaging. However, while an ISB alumnus may not be a language expert, but he/she surely possesses effective communication skills — including writing. Hence, they can review both the logical, structural and language aspects of the essays and applications
- ISB has an international approach to the management education unlike most MBA colleges in the country which would follow a different method of admissions. Hence, alumnus of other premium business schools in India might not be of much help when it comes to ISB applications.
As they say experience is the best teacher. Therefore, it is better chosen someone who has been through the same experience to get your application reviewed. You would not have the best shot at an admission in ISB but you may also learn a lot from the best in this process.