ESADE Business School welcomes applicants to meet them face to face for their interview. Which shows the extra effort to come to an interview to the campus of Barcelona or your region, shows the Adcom how serious you are about the process. The interview panel will be open-minded regarding to overall experience of the interview candidates to see the overall candidacy and sincerity in responses.
The interview process can be with or without the case study. It may take a couple of hours if the case study included in your interview if no case study included it will get over within an hour.
ESADE Interview Experience 1:
Hi, my name is Prateek. I had recently given my interview at ESADE Business School in December 2018. It was totally a friendly environment and positive experience with a very good atmosphere and the interviewer made you feel relaxed so that you won’t be nervous during the interview process.
Below are the few questions which I faced in on interview day:
- Where would you want to work post MBA
- How did you land your job? And, how do you get customer leads?
- How would I contribute to ESADE MBA class?
- A situational question ” In ESADE teamwork is of importance and your grades are dependent on the team’s performance, having said that how would you deal with a situation where some of the team members are not pulling their weight”
ESADE MBA – Frequently Asked Interview Questions
- One reason that we should not select you / Why MBA?
- Brief me yourself
- What are your short- and long-term career goals?
- Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
- Important facts learned from your career?
- Why do you want to do MBA at this stage in your life/ career?
- Tell us about a challenging situation that you faced? How did you resolve it?
- What are your greatest strengths? Give examples
- What are your weaknesses? Give examples
- If you must describe are your greatest achievement, what would you it be?
- Do you have any questions for us?