University of St. Gallen MBA-HSG

Key points for St Gallen:

  • University of St Gallen MBA program was started in 2005 and is a part of University of St.Gallen Executive School of Management, Technology and Law. The university itself was founded in 25-May-1898.
  • The university is located in St Gallen , Switzerland. The director of the program is Simon Evenett.
  • It is constantly ranked high in Europe and world for its MBA program. Financial Times ranked it 4th in European Business school ranking in 2015. Financial Times in Global MBA ranking 2016 ranked it on 60th place.
  • University of St Gallen alumni association has over 24,000 members from more than 70 countries.
  • The economy of St Gallen is primarily service based. The major company headquartered in St Gallen is Helvetia Insurance. Other employers is FISBA, Forster Rohner AG, and Akris.

University of St.Gallen MBA-HSG Essays for 2020-2021:

Essay 1:
Please detail your short- and long-term career plans. As part of your answer, please include: (a) how studying both in Switzerland, and specifically on the St.Gallen MBA, would impact upon these plans; and (b) your back-up plan, should your immediate post-MBA plans not be successful.

Essay 2:
Think of a well-known business leader, and outline the reasons why you believe he/she is undeserving of his/her public acclaim. (500 words)