Fill the Information & Know Your Chances of Getting Into a B-School

GMAT Score:
(Your highest GMAT Score)
Total Experience (Months):
(Total full time work experience)
Latest Company:
Extra Curricular Activities:
(Indicate level participated in. Higher the level, more the weightage)
Leadership Position:
(Indicate no. of people led (or elected by, e.g. in an election for representing) - size of team or people represented)
Rate your essay out of 10:
(Indicate a rating for your essays; this is subjective but still gives inkling about your projected profile)
Rate your interview status out of 10:
(Indicate how competent your interviewing skills are - use various combinations to see vaious results)
Graduate Institute:
(Institute from which you have done your undergrad or post-graduation)
Marks in Graduate (Percentage):
(Express your marks in percentage, i.e. out of 100. In case you have GPA or CGPA please proportionate it from being out of 100)
Marks in 10+2 (Percentage):
(Express your marks in percentage, i.e. out of 100. In case you have GPA or CGPA please proportionate it from being out of 100)
Entrepreneurial Experience
(Select if you have had any entrepreneurial experience)
Size of Company:
(Indicate the team size which you have reached for your venture)
Annual Revenue of Company:
(Indicate the latest annualized revenue (last financial year) reached for your venture)
Email ID:
Contact No:
Linkedin Profile:
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