It’s been a long journey to IIM Bangalore, filled with lot of excitement, success and failure. But then, all is well when end is well. So, finally I am in IIM Bangalore. At the Mecca of Management Business School where numbers of candidates strive to get an admission.
Here I am, finally! At the Mecca of Management, at one of the best B-school in the country, the place where lakhs strive to get in every year and very few finally make it the hallowed portals of IIM Bangalore.
OK, now I reached the campus earlier in the day, and from that very instant, all I encountered at the institute was sheer professionalism. At the beginning itself, I never expected the security guard to be so cordial. He smilingly guided me to the admissions office. After few formalities, my enrollment into the programme was completed, a student ID was assigned along with the room assignment.
After getting keys and the map layout I walked towards Block H where my room was situated.
After settling into the room, I went to the School cafeteria and found myself amidst of a sheer excitement with so many students flocking in. But it became easy to differentiate the existing vs new students based on the body language.
All the new ones like myself had either a look of excitement, confusion, fear so and so forth because we all knew now it’s time to compete with best of the best, while the seniors looked very pacified. So I realized that in addition to becoming intellectually adept, this 2 year programme is going to impart a lot of maturity to all of us. That whole afternoon was spent acquiring basic fundaes of the life I was about to start here.
What I have seen and been told here was that the block culture is very strong and your entire block becomes your family.
Later on that evening there was block meeting, in which our formal intro, etc., took place.
The day did pass by very fast and now I was ready to attend my first class the next day.