The ISB interview questions and ISB interview tips and experiences are in the admission selection and are meant to evaluate your career accomplishments, leadership qualities, and fit for the program. Typical questions usually deal with such issues as professional development, professional overcoming adversities, instances of taking on leadership, professional plans, etc. They highlight their motivations for doing PGP and how they hope to use the Programme to enhance their careers. Some of the questions would be more personal and concern the participants’ hobbies, interests, and values to find fit.
Frequently asked ISB PGP interview questions:
- Please share your career highlights. Why did you find the need to get an MBA at this stage of your work life?
- How do you manage the expectations of the PGP program?
- Please think of a situation where you were in a leadership position and had to make a very difficult decision. What followed and what did you learn from it?
- What are the ways that you see yourself using the skills acquired at ISB to make an impact in your job now or in the future?
- Why ISB PGP and how it can be helpful for you in the foreseeable future?
- What are some of the major skills that you feel you will be able to acquire with the completion of the ISB PGP program?
- What is the value that you have added to your team or organization so far?
- Please explain to us one such instance where you worked alongside people with different cultural and social beliefs. What did you do in such a scenario?
- What changes would you want to see in the industry after completing the ISB PGP?
- Would you please elaborate on your short-term and long-term career plans and how in your point of view the PGP program will assist in these plans?
- When you experience a defeat or a setback, how do you respond to it? Describe, if possible, a relevant event from your professional life.
- What positive contribution do you think you make to the members of the ISB community and what are your expectations from the class in terms of discussions and group work?
- Describe one incident when you were working in an environment of pressure. What did you do to survive that atmosphere and what was the outcome?
- If you are to predict what you will be doing five years from now after the completion of the PGP?
ISB conducts interviews for shortlisted candidates for their ISB PGP Program. Get ready for your interview with valuable ISB interview tips and insights to help you succeed!
Below are ISB Interview tips that can help you to prepare for the ISB PGP Interview.
Who takes the interview: Admission committee and alumnus
Average time per interview: 25 – 30 minutes
Main topics to prepare:
All candidates appearing for ISB PGP program interviews are judged on four parameters mentioned below.
a) Leadership qualities
b) Teamwork
c) Communication skills
d) Analytical skills
Below are a few ISB Interview tips, Interview experience, and ISB MBA interview questions. The below interview experience can help you with ISB interview preparation:
ISB Interview Experience 1
Candidate – Akshay
Work Experience – 5.8 years
GMAT – 710
Industry – Finance
Hi, my name is Akshay. My ISB interview was taken by the admissions committee of ISB and it was a campus interview. Before the interview, I was given the word “Action” and asked to write about 50-100 words. The interview was cool. My ISB interview lasted for about 35 minutes. There are few ISB MBA questions they asked me during the interview.
- Walk me through your resume.
- Why do you want to do an MBA at this stage of your career?
- How do you confront your team members if you think they are wrong?
- How do you think your subordinates describe you?
- How have you positively contributed to your team’s success during your work experience?
- Do you have any questions for me?
ISB Interview Experience 2
Candidate – Ashok Kumar
Work Experience – 4.6 years
GMAT – 690
Industry – Oil and Gas
My ISB interview was a surprisingly relaxed session, conducted by a friendly ISB alumnus and an admission committee member. Instead of a rigorous grilling session, we engaged in a comfortable conversation. Before the interview, I was given a writing prompt: “Media Activism.” I wrote a short piece (around 100-200 words) on the subject, sharing my thoughts on how media can be a powerful tool for social change.
- Tell me about your leadership role and a time when you led a team.
- If you had to cite a single skill or attribute that has most contributed to your career success, what would it be and why?
- Why do you think that particular project (given in my essay) was your biggest achievement?
- Have you ever had a difference in your opinion at your workplace? Elaborate.
- How can you contribute to this class?
- Do you have any questions for us?
ISB Interview Experience 3
Candidate – Anurag
Work Experience – 7.5 years
GRE – 330
Industry – FMCG
I attended my ISB PGP interview at the ISB campus. The ISB interview panel had 2 members, and both were ISB alumni. Overall, the interview lasted for 40-45 minutes. The interview was focused mostly on my knowledge of the frozen foods industry. As the alumni interviewers were also from startup backgrounds, they were very keen to know more clarity about my answers to the questions asked. Below are some of the questions which are on top of my mind.
- Introduce yourself.
- What were those strategies to take your sales forward in your startup?
- What is the hierarchy? How many team members do you handle?
- What are your current roles and responsibilities?
- Why ISB?
- Why do you need our program when you already have entrepreneurial experience?
- What is your company’s current team size?
- Do you have any questions for us?
ISB MBA Interview Help for 2025:
- All the admissions panelists are provided with complete details about a candidate except for his / her GMAT score. This is done to prevent any biases towards analytical skills – So keep in mind that ISB interview panelists have already gone through your profile and details.
- Interviewees are handed out a topic to write about on a separate piece of paper – usually about 100 to 200 words. It can be any topic like – Superficial, Marathon, Reality.
- The questions generally centered on going beyond the resume, looking for inconsistencies with the essays, and determining the fact whether the interviewee can make conversations interesting, and humorous and can add value to class participation.
- No matter how impressive an applicant’s profile is – what matters the most is his / her conviction and belief in his / her own capabilities. Unrealistic candidates are grounded with several hard questions.
- For ISB Interview preparation, the ISB Mock interview is really helpful. You may refer to the above interview experience and interview tips for ISB interview help.
ISB wants to know how you can contribute to class and why they should take you. The above ISB interview tips and ISB interview questions will help you prepare for the SB Interview. ISB Mock interview is also helpful to make yourself prepare for an actual ISB interview.
If you need ISB MBA interview help or ISB Mock interview preparation please reach out to us at info@genedmba.com or Fill Quick Enquiry Box (On the right) or Get Advice: +91- 90350 50056
Success Stories and Guides
- My Life-changing Journey to ISB – Deepthi Rajan
One of our successful admits to ISB – Deepthi Rajan shares her journey to ISB. She has written about the hurdles she faced during GMAT preparation, especially the ISB application process and Interview round. Finally, how she managed to secure admission from ISB. – Continue Reading…