The services details are summarized below.
Hours |
No. of classes |
Fee (INR) |
Flexi SPARK Full Course
- 30+ hours study module
- 28 hours of theory classes
- Free 1 hour session on AWA section
- Free 1 hour session on IR section
- 200+ topic wise practice problems
- 500+ GMAT like solved questions
- 6 full length GMAT Mock tests
- Multiple doubt solving sessions
- 30 min strategy capsule section 1-2 weeks before your GMAT exam
- Free evaluation of 3 AWA essays
30 hours |
15 Classes
(8 Verbal + 6 Quant + 1 IR & AWA ) |
Group Class (2-3 Students) 25,000 + 18% GST
Individual Class (Single Student) 50,000 + 18% GST
Verbal + AWA & IR
- 18+ hrs of theory classes
- 130+ topic wise practice problems
- 300+ GMAT like solved questions
- 6 full length GMAT Mock tests
- Multiple doubt solving sessions
- Free evaluation of 3 AWA essays
- Free video guide on AWA section
- Free session on tackling IR section
18 hours |
9 Classes
(8 Verbal +
1 AWA & IR) |
Group Class 15,000 + 18% GST
Individual Class 30,000+ 18% GST
Quant + AWA & IR
- 12+ hrs of theory classes
- 120+ topic wise practice problems
- 200+ GMAT like solved questions
- 6 full length GMAT Mock tests
- Multiple doubt solving sessions
- Free video guide on AWA section
- Free session on tackling IR section
14 hours |
7 Classes
(6 Quant + 1 AWA & IR) |
Group Class 13,000 + 18% GST
Individual Class 25,000+18% GST
General Education offers three options of GMAT Counselling services to help you choose the most optimized preparation option based upon your specific requirements and desired comprehensiveness of preparation.
Single Session Q/V (1 class)
- Candidate can also go for a single class if they feel that they need more practice on a particular area.
- Candidate will be provided with the Study material of the class for which they are availing the services.
- Duration of the class will be similar to that of a regular class.
- A charge for a single session is 2,500 + 18% GST.