MBA Interview Preparation

Your Business School admission interview is the final exam in your MBA admission procedure.
MBA interview plays an important role in your admission process, which can be a make or break the situation.

How we can help in MBA interviews?

Through MBA interview questionnaires, mock interviews and feedback sessions we can help you to improve the content of your answers, time management skill and your overall presentation.

Who takes the Mock Interviews?

Our expert team of consultants graduated from top tier B-Schools like HBS, HEC, Darden, INSEAD, ISB etc.


Service name Service deliverablesPrice (INR)
Two Mock
Comprehensive Interview
Preparation Service
 • Interview questionnaire
• Questionnaire answers review
• 2 brainstorming sessions
• 2 mock interviews* (60 mins duration each) + (60 mins feedback sessions)
• Few brief need-based
25,000 + 18% GST
One Mock
Comprehensive Interview
Preparation Service
• Interview questionnaire
• Questionnaire answers review
• 1 brainstorming session • 1 mock interview* (60 mins duration) + (60 mins feedback session)
• Few brief need-based
15,000 + 18% GST
Two Mock Standard
Interview Preparation
• 2 mock interviews* (30 mins duration) + feedback
• Few brief need-based
8,999 + 18% GST
One Mock Standard Interview Service• 1 mock interview* (30 mins duration) + feedback 6,999 + 18% GST


We offer 4 types of MBA interview Tips or preparation service :

Two Mock Comprehensive Interview Preparation Service :

  • Discussing candidates profile, background, academics, interests and B-School knowledge in detail.
  • Candidate will be provided with the exhaustive interview guide for B-School he/she is preparing the interview.
  • Discuss the most common MBA interview questions based on candidate’s profile, area of interest and the programme he/she has applied for.
  • Provide the exhaustive two mock interviews of 60 minutes each (30 minutes interview, 30 minutes feedback) session after the candidate is well prepared with the answers to the suggested MBA interview questions asked in the interview guide.
  • Provide the detailed feedback of 30 minutes on mock interview along with useful MBA interview tips.
  • A few need based interaction sessions with the consultant.
  • All the discussions and mock interview sessions will be done over a phone call/Skype/Cisco WebEx call.

Two Mock Standard Interview Preparation Service :

  • Discussing candidates profile, background, academics, interests and B-School knowledge in detail.
  • Provide the two mock interviews of 20-30 minutes each session after the candidate is well prepared with the answers to the suggested MBA interview questions
  • Provide the detailed feedback of on interviewee’s mock interview performance
  • A few need based interaction sessions with the consultant
  • All the discussions and mock interview sessions will be done over a phone call/Skype/Cisco WebEx call.

One Mock Comprehensive Interview Preparation Service:

  • Discussing candidates profile, background, academics, interests and B-School knowledge in detail.
  • Candidate will be provided with the exhaustive interview guide for B-School he/she is preparing the interview.Discuss the most common MBA interview questions based on candidate’s profile, area of interest and the programme he/she applied for.
  • Provide the exhaustive one mock interview of 60 minutes (30 minutes interview, 30 minutes feedback) session after the candidate is well prepared with the answers. to the suggested MBA interview questions asked in the interview guide
  • Provide the detailed feedback of 30 minutes on mock interview
  • A few need based interaction sessions with the consultant
  • All the discussions and mock interview sessions will be done over a phone call/Skype/Cisco WebEx call.

One Mock Standard Interview Preparation Service:

  • Discussing candidates profile, background, academics, interests and B-School knowledge in detail.
  • Provide the one mock interview of 20-30 minute session after the candidate is well prepared with the answers to the suggested MBA interview questions
  • Provide the detailed feedback of on interviewee’s mock interview performance
  • A few need based interaction sessions with the consultant
  • All the discussions and mock interview sessions will be done over a phone call/Skype/Cisco WebEx call.

In person, MBA interview tips and Mock interviews are also provided on request if the candidate is based out of Bangalore, Delhi, Mumbai, Boston, Paris and US.

Note on Fees:

  • Service is non-refundable but adjustable in future in lieu for any other service
  • Service brought in March are non-adjustable due to year end accounting complexities.
  • Services brought in one financial year will not be adjusted in next financial year
  • According to consumption assumptions given at the end of each service amount would be adjusted if required.
S.NoB-School/UniversityInterview Preparation and Experience

US Business Schools

1Harvard Business SchoolHarvard MBA Interview Preparation
2Stanford Graduate School of BusinessStanford MBA Interview Preparation
3Northwestern University Kellogg School of ManagementKellogg MBA Interview Preparation
4Tuck School of Business at DartmouthTuck MBA Interview Preparation
5University of Michigan Ross School of BusinessMichigan Ross MBA Interview Preparation
6University of Virginia Darden School of BusinessDarden MBA Interview Preparation
7Carnegie Mellon University Tepper School of BusinessTepper MBA Interview Preparation
8University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Kenan Flagler Business SchoolKenan Flagler MBA Interview Preparation

European Business Schools

9IMD LausanneIMD MBA Interview Preparation

Asian Business Schools

10Indian School of BusinessISB Interview Preparation

Referral discounts

We offer a “referral amount” scheme for the customers who are availing our services. As our customer, if you refer someone who avails General Education’s services, for every successful customer referral, you will receive a service credit/cash equivalent of unto 10% of your referral’s application fee. You can keep on adding progressive discounts by referring as many unique customers as you want.

Articles to help you:

  • Tips and Strategies for MBA Interview Preparation

    An interview is an opportunity to throw light on your uniqueness as interviews play a key role in your MBA selection process as this will help the Admission Committee decide if you are the right fit for the MBA class or not. Receiving an interview call completes 80% of your MBA application journey.Continue Reading…